Monday, December 7, 2015

I gave my students iPads — then wished I could take them back - The Washington Post

"study released in September by
the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development looked at school tech
initiatives in more than three dozen countries (although not the United States)
and found that while students who use computers moderately show modest gains
over those who rarely do, heavy technology use has a negative impact. “Students
who use computers very frequently at school do a lot worse in most learning
outcomes, even after accounting for social background and student
demographics,” the report concluded."

I gave my students iPads — then wished I could take them back - The Washington Post

Obama Says of Terrorist Threat: ‘We Will Overcome It’ - The New York Times

Obama Says of Terrorist Threat: ‘We Will Overcome It’ - The New York Times

Monday, November 16, 2015

Beirut mourns its dead; weathers comparisons to Paris - Ave Maria Radio : Ave Maria Radio

Beirut mourns its dead; weathers comparisons to Paris - Ave Maria Radio : Ave Maria Radio:

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Dershowitz: ‘The Fog of Fascism Is Descending Quickly Over Many American Universities’

From a Harvard Law Prof:

Dershowitz: ‘The Fog of Fascism Is Descending Quickly Over Many American Universities’:

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Students at University of Michigan Organize Yearly Event for Women to Brag About Their Abortions |

Students at University of Michigan Organize Yearly Event for Women to Brag About Their Abortions |

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#BlackLivesMatter Protesters Disrupt Students in Library: 'F*ck You, You Filthy White F*cks!' - Fox Nation

#BlackLivesMatter Protesters Disrupt Students in Library: 'F*ck You, You Filthy White F*cks!' - Fox Nation:

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U.S. Warplanes Strike ISIS Oil Trucks in Syria - The New York Times

U.S. Warplanes Strike ISIS Oil Trucks in Syria - The New York Times:

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Hollande Calls for New Powers to ‘Eradicate’ ISIS After Paris Attacks - The New York Times

Hollande Calls for New Powers to ‘Eradicate’ ISIS After Paris Attacks - The New York Times:

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Paris attacks: Dianne Feinstein breaks with Obama, says 'ISIL is not contained' - POLITICO

Unit IV Commander-in Chief

Paris attacks: Dianne Feinstein breaks with Obama, says 'ISIL is not contained' - POLITICO

Paris terror attacks: What we know so far -

Paris terror attacks: What we know so far -

Friday, November 6, 2015

Foul-mouthed Latino kids shout f-bombs at Trump in shocking video | New York Post

Units IV and III

Foul-mouthed Latino kids shout f-bombs at Trump in shocking video | New York Post:

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Democrat senator: Father and adopted son should be allowed to ‘marry’ | News | LifeSite

Democrat senator: Father and adopted son should be allowed to ‘marry’ | News | LifeSite

Scholars call for Obergefell to be ignored - as Lincoln ignored Dred Scott - Ave Maria Radio : Ave Maria Radio

Unit IV (I agree with Lincoln)

Scholars call for Obergefell to be ignored - as Lincoln ignored Dred Scott - Ave Maria Radio : Ave Maria Radio:

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Obama Rejects Construction of Keystone XL Oil Pipeline - UNIT IV Executive!!

Obama Rejects Construction of Keystone XL Oil Pipeline - The New York Times

The Path To A Wild GOP Convention | Karl Rove Units III and IV!!

The Path To A Wild GOP Convention | Karl Rove

Thursday, October 22, 2015

I believe that in the long run it was good that Hillary Clinton admitted and apologized for her email scandal. It brought a lot of attention to her weather it be good or bad, attention is attention non the less.  Admitting to her wrong doing is the first step to regaining the nations trust and support. However, I personally lose trust in the government when scandals like this come out. I think that it is being dragged on much too long. I was watching the news this morning and a poll was taken and 56% of voters said they don't care what happened with the email scandal and they are just tired of hearing about it.

I agree with every one above. Gun control has become a large problem in our nation. Individuals are killing innocent people or groups of people with these weapons that we allow in our country. We need to have stricter laws and regulations in regards to our right to bare arms. The Pope just spoke about how we are creating issues where there is non and people are solving these by random killings. These shootings have become more and more. I was shocked to read Kenzie's blog and read that since 2015 there has been 250 some random mass shootings. This needs to stop. Kenzie, Elizabeth, and others have a very good point when they say it is not the guns that are causing the problems, its the people behind the guns. I'm not sure how to solve this problem but maybe providing more or better mental help to those in need would lessen the number of random shootings. Or those seeking to own a gun should have to go through a mental testing to ensure they are not mental sick because it is all too often that shooters are excused from criticism simply because "they are mental" or "they are sick".  These stories are sickening and they break my heart. Something must be done. My prayers go out to those families and communities that have lost loved ones in mass shootings.

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

I do not think it is fair or just that immigrants can vote and determine who our next president will be. I don't believe that immigrants have enough prior knowledge to vote. I believe they will just vote for the candidate that is in favor of taking in illegal immigrants. I think illegal immigrants should be deported and have to come back using the proper process of getting citizenship. I don't think its a fair way to receive votes. Donald Trump is strongly against immigrants. I agree with Donald Trump, immigrants should not have more of a voice than true American citizens. Candidates should not be able to use immigrants to gain power in our nation.  It is a problem that should be addressed.
Prior to watching this video I was confused about the logistics of who was fighting who. This video helped explain and clarify the details of who was fighting who, who was allies with who, and who were enemies.  It explained what groups were in support of the government and what groups were in support of rebellion groups.  Due to the fact Syria is a powerful nation I do think it is in our best interest to provide aid, however, it is after all a civil war. Civil meaning a war fought between one nation and its people. The United States is constantly sticking their nose into other nations wars and disagreements and I think there is a point where we need to take a step back and let them figure it out themselves. We have many issues going on right here on our own American soil that we need addressing.  If more countries continue getting involved it could to turn into something much bigger than it is right now.

Monday, September 7, 2015

When does your religion legally excuse you from doing part of your job? - The Washington Post

Another on Kim Davis- has to do with Unit V

When does your religion legally excuse you from doing part of your job? - The Washington Post:

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