Sunday, December 13, 2015

An Inmate Dies, and No One Is Punished - The New York Times

An Inmate Dies, and No One Is Punished - The New York Times:

'via Blog this'


  1. After reading this article, I am disgusted. Obviously no one but Mr. Strickland, the guards, and bystanders know exactly what happened. After reading this article, I sympathize with Mr. Strickland. Mr. Strickland did have a history of getting into fights, however, the officer that was fighting with him also had a history of being overly violent with prisoners. Regardless of what happened to provoke the fight, Mr. Strickland should not have ended up dead. There was a video surfaced of the last moments of the fight. Mr. Strickland was on the floor in handcuffs, not moving, and officers continued to yell at him to stop resisting. It was also said in the article that the video showed officers dragging him while he was cuffed and not fighting back. To me, this raises suspicion that the officers handling him got overly violent with him, which resulted in his death. Some inmates reported that an officer pushed him down the stairs, while the officer says they both fell down the stairs, but Mr. Strickland went all the way to the bottom. Obviously, one would assume that inmates would want to make another inmate look better in this kind of a situation. But after reading the entire article and hearing that the officers have some discrepancies in their story, I believe that they are lying about what happened to Mr. Strickland. Therefore, those officers need to be punished. Even if it was truly an accident, someone still needs to be held accountable.

    1. After reading this as well as other people's comments to this article, all of the responses are the same: disgust. Like what Melanie and Rachel said, only the officers and people involved with the case actually know what happened and that this case sounds so familiar, meaning, this kind of stuff happens all the time and there hasn't been any change. How many times does this need to happen or what case is going to change how police and others handle this situation before others are lost with no justice being done for them. I hope someone stands up soon for all the voices who can't speak anymore for themselves.

  2. I had never heard any news along the premise of this article, and yet it all seemed very familiar. Even though it is not clear what actually happened, this story seems to be another case of police brutality. It is the classic case of white policeman against black offender, and race does seem to be a factor in this one because the guards would use racial slurs to keep the prisoners in line. This case took a long time to surface, however, because of the prison’s secrecy as well as the nature of the victim. A schizophrenic black prisoner with a history of erratic behavior is much less likely to be pitied and defended if a stable white man passes him off as a violent inmate who was a safety risk. While it is not clear what really happened, it is obvious that there was a great injustice done to Mr. Strickland as well as other prisoners. Those guards should not have been rewarded for what they did, and yet they went on to continue working or retire with full pensions.

  3. I loathe articles about police brutality. Obviously this article does not portray the whole story and the whole truth, only the victim, the bystander and the guards now that. We may never know what happened because both sides are biased and both want to protect their side and make the other side look bad. Mr. Strickland may have provoked the guards but that does not mean that the guards had the right to kill him. A man lying on the floor, in handcuffs, not moving, is not resisting arrest or fighting back and should not have been yelled at or dragged away. The guards may not have meant to kill the prisoner but they definitely got overly and unnecessarily violent with him. Also, the fact that that some of their statements were proved false shows that they are untrustworthy and were trying to cover up something. If they did not do anything wrong they would have no reason to lie. Even if it really was an “accident” does not mean the guards should go unpunished. If you cause a car accident, you may have not meant to hit the car in front of you, or hurt anyone, but if you do, you still get punished. Whether the guards are lying, or telling the truth, they should still have some sort of punishment.

    1. Natalia makes a good point. We might never know what truly happened, the only ones who do are the officers involved and the victim. Police brutality as whole is a very wrong thing that we as citizens should not fear. But on the other side, we also have to recognize that there are also good officers that keep us safe everyday. The officers involved should be punished if they are proven to be guilty. That is how our justice system is set up. If they were caught in a lie, then clearly they are not telling the whole truth. As Natalia said, if they had nothing to hide they would not have to lie. They should not have gotten away with dragging a man away that was clearly not resisting.

  4. In our society today, there have been way too many stories and news reports about police brutality no matter the race of the victim. Although many citizens or prison inmates do not cooperate when dealing with the law and individuals with more power than them, it is not okay to beat, and sometimes ultimately kill someone. Police today are known for becoming overly violent and treating people as if their nothing. I believe these guards should be held responsible for the death of the man. I think they should have to face consequences. Killing a man should not be looked at differently if you are a prisoner, a guard, a doctor, or a priest. It should all be taken care of in the same manner because that is only appropriate.

  5. In our society today, there have been way too many stories and news reports about police brutality no matter the race of the victim. Although many citizens or prison inmates do not cooperate when dealing with the law and individuals with more power than them, it is not okay to beat, and sometimes ultimately kill someone. Police today are known for becoming overly violent and treating people as if their nothing. I believe these guards should be held responsible for the death of the man. I think they should have to face consequences. Killing a man should not be looked at differently if you are a prisoner, a guard, a doctor, or a priest. It should all be taken care of in the same manner because that is only appropriate.

  6. Today in our society, there have been too many situations with policemen attacking civilians no matter their color. Even though many citizens or prison inmates do not cooperate with the officer when dealing with the law and, it is not okay to beat, attack, and sometimes kill someone. Police today are known for becoming overly violent and treating people as if they are trash. I believe these guards should be held responsible for the death of the man. I think they should have to face serious consequences. Killing a man should not be looked at differently if you are a prisoner, a guard, a doctor, or a priest. No matter who you are, killing someone should all be held in the same regards.

  7. This article doesn't explain the full extent of the situation. This is coming from one side of the story. Police brutality is such a common issue and has gotten so out of hand. Yes inmates have a tendency to act out and create gang like activity but in a proper and disciplinary prison there should be high level security so violent attacks don't occur. If the prisoner is in handcuffs on the ground with a bunch of police offers around and isn't resisting arrest there is no need to be dragged away and treated like a weapon is on them. Considering that the facts the police officer stated were false just proves that they are untrustworthy and should have major consequences for their actions. It is sad that someone has to die for people to realize how wrong there actions were in this situation.

  8. Although police brutality was one of the main topics on the newsstands in 2015 I feel that cases should be made public to gather attention. If you ask a kindergarten class what they want to be when they are older I can guarantee at least one child will say a cop;they are seen as the hero from a young age. That’s why it is so tricky to bust dirty cops if you have the word of a prisoner and in this case a partial security tape plus the last minutes of Mr. Strickland's life that still doesn't uphold in court against an officer's word. In Strickland’s unfortunate case he was beaten to a pulp according to the guards because he was out of control, however if an inmate is out of control it is common that they might take a beating until they are subdued or drugged. In this case the nurse was seen doing nothing to help Strickland when she should have done her job and attempted to stable the man. Strickland’s case is an example of brutality inside a prison which is not easy to prove at all because the building is a literal stronghold.

  9. Although police brutality was one of the main topics on the newsstands in 2015 I feel that cases should be made public to gather attention. If you ask a kindergarten class what they want to be when they are older I can guarantee at least one child will say a cop;they are seen as the hero from a young age. That’s why it is so tricky to bust dirty cops if you have the word of a prisoner and in this case a partial security tape plus the last minutes of Mr. Strickland's life that still doesn't uphold in court against an officer's word. In Strickland’s unfortunate case he was beaten to a pulp according to the guards because he was out of control, however if an inmate is out of control it is common that they might take a beating until they are subdued or drugged. In this case the nurse was seen doing nothing to help Strickland when she should have done her job and attempted to stable the man. Strickland’s case is an example of brutality inside a prison which is not easy to prove at all because the building is a literal stronghold.

  10. I agree with Christina. There are too many reports of police brutality that go without consequence let alone all the cases there have been that go unnoticed. There is a certain level of tolerance that policemen are supposed to have for inmates and often times they fail to show this. What i find shady about this story is that Strickland's side was barely advocated for. Like Natalia said, only the inmate, bystander, and guards know the whole true story. This article only shows the side of the story through the guards opinions. There was a man, lying motionless on the floor with handcuffs, and the police and nurses failed to consider the chance that there may have been a bigger issue there. I find the people running the prison terribly ignorant and it hurt me to read about how an inmate died because of their aggressiveness.

  11. This is article is just one of the hundreds of cases of police brutality. This article only shows one side of the story and only those who were there know exactly what happen, and there may have been prior incidences between the two before it came to this point, however, that does not excuse the police for his actions. There is no good excuse or reason to treat a cuffed and cooperative inmate the way he did. Like Sydney said, these guards should be held responsible for the death of the man. They should have to face serious consequences that any other murder would have to face. Killing a man should not be looked at differently if you are a prisoner, a guard, a doctor, or a priest.

  12. This article is complimentary of a key issue in society today. Police violence has been in the news a lot recently. It is clear that no one but Mr. Strickland, the bystanders, and the guards know what happened in the situation. After reading this article, I feel for Mr. Strickland. Even though Mr. Strickland had a history of getting into fights, the officer that was involved in the fight with him also had a history of being violent with prisoners. Mr. Strickland should not have ended up dead. This violence shows how a simple misunderstanding could become a huge problem. People should learn from the death of this man and learn to be more understanding towards other people. There were many other ways to handle the situation and beating was not the necessary answer. This article also can be seen as contradictory. This only shows the side of the guards so there could have been a completely different story.

  13. After reading this article, I was saddened to hear about another account of police brutality. It is always important to look at both sides of the story, but in this case, the fault seems to be at the hands of the officers. Repeatedly throughout this article and throughout the unfolding of the events that ensued, there seemed to be ample opportunities to take a lesser course of action. The beatings, excessive use of force, and the eventual unnecessary use of handcuffs were all examples of when the police could have chosen to act with more mercy and kindness. The Church teaches us that every person, including inmates, drug addicts, and dictators, possesses inherent dignity. The officers did not regard Mr. Strickland with the dignity and respect he deserves. Even if force was needed at some point during the altercations, there came an apparent time when the excessive force was no longer necessary. As said in the pledge of allegiance, “we are one nation under God”. I think people need to keep this in mind during all interactions in life.

  14. Similar to the commonly used dialect, I am disgusted. There are too many reports of police brutality that go without consequence let alone all the cases there have been that go unnoticed. There is a certain level of tolerance that policemen are supposed to have for inmates and often times they fail to show this. What i find shady about this story is that Strickland's side was barely advocated for. Only the inmate, bystander, and guards know the whole true story. This article only shows the side of the story through the guards opinions. There was a man, lying motionless on the floor with handcuffs, and the police and nurses failed to consider the chance that there may have been a bigger issue there. I find the people running the prison terribly ignorant and it hurt me to read about how an inmate died because of their aggressiveness.

  15. I, along with many of the other commenters on this article, feel disgust about this issue. The brutality that the police showed to Mr. Strickland was completely unnecessary and excessive. Also, this level abuse was increasingly unnecessary because Mr. Strickland had severe schizophrenia. Like Lucy stated in her recent comment, officers are supposed to display a certain amount of tolerance toward inmates. I believe that this amount of tolerance should be equal or increased when dealing with individuals that suffer from mental disorders. It is much easier to take advantage of individuals that have mental disorders, so they should be treated with equitable respect to prevent any abuse.

  16. After reading this horrifying article I agree with many people. I am truly saddened and disgusted with this article. The fact that the guards and bystanders all knew and were aware of this happening is horrible. No matter what happened to start the fight, Mr. Strickland should not have died. The video that showed what happened near the end showed that Mr. Strickland was on the floor in handcuffs, not moving, and officers continued to yell at him to stop resisting. It was also said in the article that the video showed officers dragging him while he was cuffed and not fighting back. The fact that no one was punished is disgusting. People need to take responsibility.

  17. After reading this article, it is apparent that the guards who beat Mr. Strickland to death did get away with murder. It is sad to see that Mr. Strickland will never get justice for what happened to him. Even though he was an inmate and was probably acting out at the moment, there was no need to beat Mr. Strickland at the extent the guards did, leading to his death. In this day in age, it is common to hear stories in the news about police brutality, and hearing that the police never get charged for their actions make people even more disgusted. This story is especially sad because there were people around who could have stopped the violence and saved Mr. Stricklands life. Instead, the nurse and the rest of the guards and bystanders stood and watched him die. This is truly sad and horrifying. Mr. Strickland was killed, and someone needs to take responsibility for it.

  18. Over the past couple of months, I have been saddened and mostly irritated by the bad publicity cops have been getting, white cops specifically. I have felt as if despite the brave service they offer to our country day in and day out, only their questionable actions go noticed. However, after this video I feel disappointed to have to admit my feel anger for this cop. Everyone is watching, and no one is doing anything; they are standing their watching. Not only should the cops get charged with over-brutality, the bystanders should have some sort of punishment as well. I feel sad by this video. I wish tragedies like this didn't have to happen.


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